C.B.S. Westland Row

Where your child is known and valued
Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row Life at C.B.S. Westland Row

Home School Community Liaison

Our Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Teacher at CBS Westland Row is Betty Stapleton.


My job is to work with adults, parents and teachers in order to produce a positive outcome that will enhance the lives of the children in our school. I work to promote parents’ education, development, growth and involvement. I will try to promote participation of parents in their child’s education including homework.

I will provide parents with information on courses and programmes that will take place over the year in the community.

 I will be visiting all first year parents at home. This will be a positive experience that will show a real interest in building relationships with families. It’s a chance for me to meet you and keep you up to date on your child’s progress and help you in any way I can.

Through my visits I hope to support you as a parent in the education of your children, to offer you information about services in the community and to encourage parents to be involved with the local community.

I hope to meet you all and show the human face of our busy school. I hope to seek out potential leaders among you that will take part in our schemes and share their experiences with other parents.


CBS Westland Row -Transfer Programme for New First Years


HSCL teacher visits the primary schools in the weeks leading up to the Open Day. He will speak briefly to all 6th class pupils and invite all to the Open Day

Open Day – All sixth class pupils and their parents/guardians are invited into our school to see what we have to offer.  All teachers are in school on the day and available to talk to pupils and their parents and answer any questions.


Parents of incoming First Years are invited to a meeting with the Principal, and Home School Community Liaison Teacher.This is an opportunity for parents/guardians to address any queries and to discuss their child privately.

March / April     

The Learning Support/Resource teacher and the Home School Community Liaison teacher visit the schools of incoming first years.  They briefly meet the pupils and speak to the relevant staff at the school to get a little information on the pupils i.e. strengths/needs, test results etc.

Assessment morning -All pupils who have enrolled sit a short assessment in English, Irish and Maths.  There is no need to worry or panic.  There are no trick questions.  Students are assessed to get an idea of their levels.  This helps teachers plan and prepare the First Year Curriculum.


Information Evening for Incoming First Years and their Parents.   This is an Induction for Parents/Guardians. 

The HSCL Home School Community Liaison Teacher and GC Guidance Teacher outline the role in the school around the support they offer to your son / daughter and you the parent/guardian.

An information book is distributed.


Information on the following is addressed:

The Cost involved i.e. School Uniform / P.E. Gear, Book Rental Scheme, Copies, Lockers, Insurance, Exam Papers, Lunch Money, Option Subject materials.

School Start / Finish Times

Break / Lunch Times

Extra-Curricular Activities

Homework Club / Evening Study

What to so if your child is absent from school?

What subjects are on offer?

School Lockers