International Student Programme
International student programme
International Exchange programme
CBS Westland Row has a long history of hosting students from various European Countries who come here through the various English Language Schools. The students integrate so well here and bring so much to the school. They seem to really enjoy the innovative teaching styles used in CBS and appreciate the quality of relationships they have with the teachers and the supports they provide. They report going back to their own schools with new learning strategies and study skills and lifelong friendships. Likewise our students and teachers enjoy their presence in the class and they bring so many talents and an interest in learning which is contagious and which raises standards and aspirations of all.
They enjoy sharing their food, music etc and generously share those with us during intercultural week and at our many celebrations throughout the year. Our students likewise are proud to share their culture during Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Exchange Student testimonials:
Linnea Simon: German student
Languages- German & English
Decided to come to the school to improve English, meet new people and break out of her comfort zone.
“ I really liked the school as I felt very supported and the teachers are amazing. One of the highlights for me was the multicultural day event, where the whole school celebrated the many international students, through, food, music, and flags. I had an amazing year and thoroughly recommend this school to future exchange students”
Elda Gardin: Italian Student from Bulzano, Northern Italy
Languages- Italian, German & English
Decided to come to Dublin for an exchange year to experience new things, make new friends and improve English skills.
“ I really enjoyed my experience at the school as it is a small school and very welcoming and the students and staff are easy to get to know. I have had many great experiences here and particularly enjoyed the Geography classes which I found so interesting”
Carolina Mendez Sanchez: Spanish student from Majorca
Languages- Spanish, English and some French.
Decided to do an exchange programme to improve my English, become more independent and gain new experiences. Carolina chose Dublin as her father had lived here for a time and recommended it.
“ I had a great experience in CBS Westland Row school as I was really welcomed by teachers and students and felt supported and known. Some of the best experiences for me were the Junk Kouture competition to create a costume from recycled objects,I really liked the creativity. I also loved the multicultural day experience”
Maria Garcia Galvez: Spanish student from outside Madrid.
Languages- Spanish, English and French
Decided to come to Ireland on exchange to become more independent and learn new experiences.
“I loved my school year as I had many great experiences and really built up my independence and confidence. The teachers are excellent and students are friendly and as it is a small school and better environment, it helped me to enjoy my year. I would definitely recommend going to this school”