Principal's Welcome
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the CBS Westland Row website, which I hope will give you a flavor of the school, it's ethos and it's characteristic spirit. I feel strongly about our mission to create a nurturing environment where all students feel a sense of belonging and wellbeing. CBS Westland Row is a member of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust, a closely knit community of schools which are managed in accordance with the principles of the Edmund Rice Schools Charter. Our school values highly each and every member of our school community. We have a rich tradition of inclusion and are highly respected for our caring and supportive school environment.
Our students come from all over Dublin city and we are well based in the centre of the city with excellent transport links and a range of facilities on our doorstep. We have a wide range of partners engaged in the education and development of our students, and our holistic approach to education ensures that each and every child reaches their full potential.
I would like to thank our staff and the staff of the other agencies who organise in school and out of school events and activities, and to the students for their commitment and participation in the school community.
Ms Kate Byrne